Welcome to our website, it will hopefully give you a feel of the school and what makes Denby Dale First and Nursery school a very special place.  If you would like to visit you are welcome anytime, please email or ring 01484 866071 and we will organise a visit and we will give you the full tour! 

I am privileged to be have been entrusted with the role of Headteacher in September 2022 and I am very fortunate to have a wonderful team, children and school to look after.

At Denby Dale we pride ourselves in our development of the whole child.  We work very hard to ensure that each child reaches their full potential with an engaging and broad curriculum along with other enrichment activities. After several very challenging years nationally and current issues affecting families we place mental well being at the centre of our learning; we start each week with our Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) lesson followed by a linked assembly.  Each class also engages in outdoor learning sessions in our fabulous grounds to build and support teamwork, resilience and general well being.  We work very hard to build positive relationships with all children and we have a wide experience throughout the team to support all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)  We engage with strong network of external professionals to make sure every child's needs are met.

We have a hugely experienced Early Years and Foundation Stage (EYFS) team and we all recognise the importance of having a brilliant start to the school journey and that is what we provide.  We have a 2 year old nursery (Dragonflies) and 3 year old nursery (Dragons).  Mrs Walker our nursery manager can answer any of your questions or arrange a visit.  We also offer wraparound care for 2-10 year olds 49 weeks of the year.  

We are very fortunate to have Artis, Musica, Legacy Sports and Grow to School working with us to help provide a broad and balanced curriculum along with weekly outdoor learning sessions.

We also have a very proactive and friendly PTA, you can find more information here.  We are a small school and that really strengthens the family feeling within it, we all know every child and celebrate their successes and progress together.

I warmly invite you to follow us on Twitter @DenbyDaleSchool and Facebook here to get to know us better and please, come and visit us!

Kind regards,

Mr Billing



You can find our November 2023 Ofsted Report here.